Rebar Scanning
In reinforced concrete members, the investigation specifically targets the identification of the position and dimensions of steel reinforcement (rebar). The determination of rebar size, denoted by diameter, is essential for the calculation of force and moment resistances provided by structural members. The investigation encompasses the acquisition of information related to longitudinal steel and stirrup arrangements in both longitudinal and transverse directions. When examining structural steel members, the investigation scrutinizes the assembly of plates within a single cross section, thoroughly assessing the dimensions of each plate component, including thicknesses and width. Precision in rebar size identification is achieved through the Ferro Scanner employing Hilti PS 200, while the Ground Penetrating Radar facilitated by Proceq GP8000 is deployed to unveil rebar configuration, location, and provide a comprehensive 3D visualization. Additionally, the Ultrasonic Thickness Meter serves as a high-precision tool for measuring plate thickness. These advanced tools collectively ensure a comprehensive understanding of cross-sectional detailing, leading to accurate assessments of force and moment resistances in structural members.